Yes it’s True, We’re Just Like You!

A day in the life of a lesbian, who just happens to be a mom, wife, and employee.

5:00 a.m. – The alarm wails from the dresser.
5:15 a.m. – The baby fusses in the monitor.
5:20 a.m. – Diaper change.
5:30 a.m. – Let the dog out.
5:40 a.m. – Finally go pee while my wife nurses the baby.
6:00 a.m. – Down two cups of coffee, kiss the wife as she runs out the door, and prepare my lunch.

Fast forward to 8:00 a.m. where the baby is dressed, has been fed a bottle, I am dressed, sporting a very rushed makeup job, and we are driving to the sitter’s house with a packed diaper bag, extra bottles, and my brain, which is sitting on the passenger seat beside me.

It’s busy season at the office, so by 10:30 a.m., I have spoken to 15 clients, handled four scheduling discrepancies, responded to a handful of emails, and derailed my boss from a potential crisis.

12:45 p.m. – Lunch is actually more like grazing as I mull over unedited documents.
2:30 p.m. – Place a laundry list of product orders.
5:00 p.m. – Breathe a sigh of relief and get the hell out of there.
5:12 p.m. – Rush hour traffic.

The very notion of seeing my baby boy at 5:45 p.m. is literally not able to be explained. Warmth and joy, people. Warmth and joy.

6:00 p.m. – Dinner with my wife. Compare notes of our work day. Feed the baby his green beans, which he manages to get everywhere.
6:25 p.m. – Feed dog.
6:35 p.m. – Check email, Facebook, other brain-sucks.
7:00 p.m. – Baby bath time. Jammies.
8:20 p.m. – Tuck in baby boy.
8:30 p.m. – Wife and I are glued to the couch, feet up, yawning with bloodshot eyes.
8:35 p.m. Flip through the channels. Scoff at Miley. Bitch about the weather. Shut it off.

And by 9:00 p.m., I’ve dragged myself to the shower, let the dog out, and packed the diaper bag for the morning. By 9:30 p.m., my lovely wife and I are both in bed, ready to do it all over again tomorrow.

So, there you have it. A day in the life of a lesbian. I scratch my ass and pick up pennies. I love my family. I have to force myself to work out. Pretty ‘normal’ if you ask me.

Posted on 04/17/2014, in Lesbian Mom, My Life and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 8 Comments.

  1. You go girl!
    It looks like you are doing a great job keep it up!


  2. Angela Neargarder

    LOVE this!! But….but….what about the fur-pets? or pet? (sniffle sniffle) Love you!


    • Ohhh that’s right…I have cats…shoot… I’m just kidding. My feline fur-babies like to help with all things baby. I mean they hop in empty diaper boxes, curl up on the boppy pillow, and sneak into his room when he’s going to sleep. Not to mention around 5:01 a.m. they make their presence known because in their eyes we obviously starve them. I suppose we couldn’t forget them if we tried lol. Love you, Angela!!!!


  3. People fear the unknown. We all want the same. Someone to make us laugh and hold on cold nights. I dislike when people try to say love must be one way only. Love is what we need. No Government or person should have the right to tell us what we need and want. I like your poetry and thoughts. We must stand for what is right.


    • Thank you so much for your feedback. I agree completely. We do all want the same thing! I wonder why must it be so hard for some to accept love. Really, we’re all just trying to have a good life.


      • My brother had been with his pardner for 30 years. Own a home and are very content.. Few in the family know. They keep it a secret. Which is sad. World is filled with people who do not realize. The person next you may go home to a pardner of the same sex. I believe number one. Sexual and religion preference is your business. Racism and separation is a on going and daily fight. Thank you for sharing your site.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Sounds pretty familiar…LOL!


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